Market Shopping in Vietnam

Anne Parker updates us from Vietnam.

I’d like to share with you where I do my food shopping. The market is divided up into sections. Each area sells pretty much the same thing: all the veggies are together, the fish is right next to the river, and the meats are just up a few steps.
There is a multilevel pricing structure: locals, tourists and those of us that aren’t Vietnamese but live here. You always have to bargain! I now have a favorite place where I buy most of my vegetables and she gives me the Vietnamese price most of the time. The produce here is beautiful and so fresh. I’m getting to know what things are but there are still plenty of strange fruits and vegetables that I’m not sure about.The produce here is beautiful and so fresh. I’m getting to know what things are but there are still plenty of strange fruits and vegetables that I’m not sure about.

Hoi An is on a river and near the sea so we get many different kinds of fish, clams and …snails! There is a place in Saigon that I love to go to just for the snails.
I bought one kilo of tomatoes, two cucumbers, some green onions, two yellow onions, two small eggplants, lettuce, mushrooms and a few things for 35,000 dong or just over $ 2.00!

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