Chile-Lime Popcorn

When all you want to do is curl up in front of the TV, here’s a spicy popcorn snack to keep those fires burning!

4 cups freshly popped corn*
½ cup butter, salted, melted
2 kaffir lime leaves or 1 tsp kaffir lime leaf powder**
¼ to ¾ tsp of your favorite pure chile powder***

Pour the popcorn into a large metal or glass bowl. Mince fine the kaffir lime leaf and add to the melted butter. Add chile powder to butter mix, allowing to steep for 5 minutes in a warm place. Pour the seasoned butter over the popcorn and toss well, adding more butter as you toss. Eat right away!

This popcorn and other spicy snacks will be served in the Monsoon Room bar every Monday during our Red Hot Movie Mondays

*Air-popping corn is best, but you can cheat and get a couple of bags of organic microwave popcorn too.
**Leaves can be found fresh or frozen at any Asian market.
***Pure only means unblended with other spices, salt, etc. If you like it hot, use cayenne; if you like it milder, try an ancho powder.

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