Stinging Nettles

Chef Margot shares with us the many uses for stinging nettles.

Did you know that stinging nettles have both medicinal and culinary uses? Like spinach, nettles are high in iron and potassium. They are said to aid in coagulation and help in the production of red blood cells. They are also know to relieve rheumatic pain and pain associated with arthritis.

Culinary, nettle leaves, like spinach, can be used but only if cooked. To cook, pick leaves that are still young and tender, older leaves tend to be bitter. Wash the leaves and then cook them like spinach – no added water, then chop or sieve them and serve with a little salt, pepper and butter. In Scotland they are used with leeks, broccoli and rice to make nettle pudding.

Source: Sysco Portland

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