Tex Mex Fajitas Two Ways

Cooking With Molly's Dad

Google “Fajita Recipe” and you get 1,470,000 hits in 0.16 seconds. OK, so what the world really doesn’t need is two more fajita recipes, right? Right. But, being as much of an expert as the next guy, (hell,  I’ve been to Texas … multiple times), I know quite a few Texans and Mexicans, and Lord…

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Cuban Ropa Vieja

“I was recently lucky enough to get to travel to Cuba for a couple of weeks. I had an amazing time and captured as much of it on video and in still photos as I could. This video will hopefully convey a little of the wonder I experienced. The Ropa Viejo recipe below will let…

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Fini-Deni Sauce for Ribs or Chicken

Fini-Deni Sauce for Ribs or Chicken

Earn Morgan shares with us his mother’s recipe for Fini-Deni sauce. My mother who was raised and learned to cook in Guam always has Fini-Deni in her refrigerator. It lasts for several weeks without any flavor deterioration. I made up a batch and cooked beef ribs and chicken for a pot luck party about twenty…

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Korean Stir Fried Beef

Korean Stir Fried Beef

Scott Mortiz shares his recipe for Korean Stir Fried Beef!This is the first recipe that really turned me on to world cuisine! It is super easy and deceptively complex. Still one of my favorites!Korean Stir Fried Beef Ingredients 1 tbl Sesame seeds, crushed1 ½ lb. of lean boneless beef (sirloin is good) sliced thin, against…

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Anticuchos in Lima, Peru

Sam Sadle updates us from Lima, Peru. Lima is HUGE. When I say huge, I mean huge. It’s got over eight million people packed into a small strip of desert between the mountains and the Pacific oceans. Its polluted, crowded, chaotic and in many ways exemplifies all the negatives of a major South American city.…

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