Uncle John’s Gumbo

Uncle John's Gumbo - Salvador Molly's Restaurant

Rick Sadle updates us on one of his found memories in Louisiana. “WHO’S THERE?” shouted Uncle John Hooks as his shotgun swung up toward the little motorboat his nephew Steve and I were in. Steve hits the deck and shouts “DON’T SHOOT UNCLE JOHN, DON’T SHOOT, IT’S STEVE!” Ten minutes later, after some delicate negotiations,…

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Uncle John's Gumbo

Uncle John Hooks - Salvador Molly's Restaurant

Rick Sadle updates us on one of his found memories in Louisiana. “WHO’S THERE?” shouted Uncle John Hooks as his shotgun swung up toward the little motorboat his nephew Steve and I were in. Steve hits the deck and shouts “DON’T SHOOT UNCLE JOHN, DON’T SHOOT, IT’S STEVE!” Ten minutes later, after some delicate negotiations,…

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