Dau Hu in Vietnam

Anne Parker updates us from Vietnam.

I have been living in Hoi An, Vietnam for over a year now – wow time really does fly by! I had been living in Portland for over twenty years when my husband died and my life changed! I took a three month leave of absence and came to Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and then Vietnam. It was the people that I met in this country that made me want to come back. So I sold everything I owned and here I am! No regrets! This place is full of life, laughter, wonderful people and incredible food! I do not plan on moving any time soon!

I have a blog too and it can be found through the links section on this page. Right now, Dau Hu is my most favorite thing to eat! I eat two bowls a day when the dau hu woman comes to the market. Dau hu is a silky tofu served with a ginger syrup, its served hot. She has a small pot with hot coals under it that keeps the syrup warm and she carries the whole thing on her shoulders. I have tried dau hu in Hanoi and in Ha Giang, so far the best is right here in my town of Hoi An.


  1. randerson on August 28, 2008 at 12:03 pm

    hi anne,

    it’s me, Rich Anderson from Portland. i haven’t talked to you in so long. i hope you are as happy as ever. i checked out some of your photos, it sure looks like you are. we are planning a trip to vietnam this winter and would love to visit you. please write me at [email protected]



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